At home, we enjoyed a gift of steaks (thanks, Mom!) in a borrowed pan (thanks, Kristen!).
And home-made chocolate cake (recipes for cake and frosting on the box of Hershey's cocoa) for dessert. Did you know you can make a heart-shaped cake with a square pan and a round pan?
We're at $249.18 for groceries - as expected, expenses are loaded in the end of the month since we're out of everything we started with. Except chicken. We have lots and lots of chicken.
We combined our few sad, dry lemons with a big bag of juicy ones we were given (thanks June!) and have enough juice to make lemonade for the rest of the month, which the kids will have with breakfast in place of purchased orange juice. And now, it truly feels like February.
Had to invoke the 'don't be stupid' rule to replace a borrowed item that became ruined. No waiting on that one.
I polled everyone to see what it is they are wanting to buy come March 1. The teen needs boots. Oh, yes, she does. The ones she is wearing have so many holes they look more like sandals. The tween wants to see the Lego movie. The 4 year old was certain, he needs water balloons, now. Hubby wants this gourmet chocolate bar he likes and I have only enough makeup to wear it every third day or so, or when I am worried I will frighten small children without it, so it's on my March list for sure.With these as our wants, we are doing OK.